Friday, August 6, 2010

One year older (24) and wiser too...

Dear handsome husband of mine,

I LOVE to travel with you, laugh with you, eat with you, plan with you, snuggle with you, and just plain spend time with  you.
You are truly my best friend.  
You have always been the kind of guy I wanted to marry. Don't worry. I made plenty of "lists" of my what I wanted in a husband and you are better than any of 'em. That makes me so happy.You make me happy.  
I hope that our son takes after you (especially in the athletics department... we both know that is not a strong point for me. Unless you count... wait nope. Nothing) and has your beautiful blue eyes.

Lastly, I hope that you have a wonderful Birthday and that all of you wildest dreams come true!You deserve it.
Yep. Our kids our so freakin lucky.

Your BFF.
And I mean forever.  


  1. I bet your son inherits you skills in ballony-ball, only i hope he doesn't break his finger on a stand... :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Cuz! I'd like to see you sometime in this decade...
