Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We just took our little family on the road to see some friends and family in Utah for the 4th. I will post more about our wonderful trip later but first I would like to talk about how Arizona welcomed us back home.
So, as most of you know here in Az it is monsoon season. Monsoon season is usually pretty crazy and unpredictable. Well, last night as we were rolling into Phoenix we got hit with pouring rain and hail. Yes hail. The temp also went down to 69 degrees just a few miles outside of Phoenix. We got home around 6:40 and unpacked and settled down a little bit and I sent Steven to the store to get some things for the baby and he made me come outside to see this

{All pictures from here}
This is called a haboob (is it bad that I can't help but giggle every time I hear that word?). It is basically just a huge dust storm caused by the storms and winds and the one that hit last night was one of the biggest ones we have seen in a long time. We were so lucky we did not get caught in this on the way home. When I went outside with Steven to look at the dust storm (when our home was in the middle of it) I could not even see across the street.
Oh yeah, and when my mom was on her way home from working at the hospital she pulled over because she was in the middle of the storm and could not see and she got interviewed by the news.
Basically celeb status.
Don't worry I found the video. I believe that she is the first women that was interviewed. Enjoy!

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