Monday, January 21, 2013

8 Mile

As I have mentioned in a previous post I started running in Sept. with a friend. I don't think I will ever love running, or even like it. But I always feel good about myself (no matter what time I get or how far I go) when I am done, and it's enough to keep me coming back.
I must admit that ever since it has gotten cold in the morning it has been harder to drag myself out of my warm bed at 5:30 in the morning and run in 30 degree weather. I'm a hard core Arizonan and do not do well with anything below 50.
Lately I have been running around 9:00am with my buddy Winston in his stroller. Because of time conflicts I have not really been running with a friend. Which actually has been kind of refreshing. While I do love running with an adult and having conversations while running, being with Winston and being able to share some random thoughts with him, or just be in my own head can't really be beat.
When I first started running my goal was to just get to 6 miles.
Almost 2 weeks ago my friend called me and she had some time to run in the morning. Her goal was 8 1/2 miles, mine was just to until I couldn't go anymore, thinking there was no way that I would be able to go more than 6 miles. Especially since I have not been running like I should and especially since I was pushing Winston in our double (yes, double) stroller.
I surprised myself by going 8 whole miles (she ran the last half mile by herself).
We had a pretty slow pace but I was and am so amazed at how far I have come.
I am going back and forth if I should do the Phoenix half marathon in March. We will see...

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