Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dear Baby 2

So if you were here with me during my last pregnancy you might recall that I had a special blog dedicated just to the little baby in my belly. I want to do something like that again but instead of writing it on a different blog I decided that this time I would just document here. It is just easier for me to have everything in one place.
So, these special posts will be titled Dear Baby (most likely) and will happen as often as I feel like it.
And here is my first post right this now...
Dear Baby,
Almost exactly one year ago I stared getting the itch for another baby. I decided that I would keep it to myself for a little bit because I was not sure if your dad would be on the same page.
Just a few weeks later was conference weekend. Your dad had plans to go to a special meeting for the men and afterward we were going to spend time with some friends while Winston was babysat by the grandparents.
While your dad was at the meeting he sent me a text that said, Do you care if we hang out with just the 2 of us tonight?
Of course I was fine with it. Confused, but totally fine. So your dad canceled on our friends and came home and then took me to Paradise Bakery for dinner.
While at dinner he shared with me that he had the same feelings I did about expanding our family.
When I look back on the conversation we had that night it stands out to me as one of the best of my life. I won't go into detail about it but I won't ever forget it.
We immediately took the steps to bring you into our lives.
Even though it took a bit longer than we were expecting, the timing could not be more perfect.
We are so excited for you to get here.
For me it feels like forever until you will be here in my arms (because I am only 12 and a half weeks along) but I know from experience that you will be here, and 2 years old just like your brother, before I know it!

This is how we announced to our families that we were expecting...
New Project 20 - 1080p from Emily Hale on Vimeo.


  1. wahoo!!
    So excited!
    Cute way to announce it!

  2. Congrats! Funny, I've been a lurker on your blog for a long time...probably totally creepy, haha...but I enjoy your posts! You're hilarious and your fam is way cute =) I was a reader back during your first pregnancy as well! I've always been bad at blogging, but I'm also expecting (my first) and it's motivated me to blog more and I'm always happy to read other expectant mom blogs =)

    Congrats again, and super cute video!!


